plastic-bags-300x2241Jamaica needs to take a leaf out of Bermuda's environmental protection book and consider banning plastic bags, says one of the Caribbean nation's most popular newspaper columnists.


For centuries Bermudians have placed a high environmental and cultural value on the island’s reef system — the northernmost coral formations in the Atlantic Ocean.

Earlier this year the Bermuda Reef Ecosystem Assessment and Mapping Programme (BREAM), part of the Bermuda Zoological Society’s Biodiversity Project, placed a monetary value on our protective reefs —


During their Marine Science Day held today [Nov 20] Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] research technician Matt Bradfield explained research that BIOS is undertaking to generate alternative energy from marine algae from the Sargasso Sea.

Andrew_VaucrossonThe environmental group Greenrock hopes to see a revival of plans for a generic, Island-wide reusable bag in the wake of Government proposals to ban the use of plastic shopping bags.

Stuart_KriendlerSolar specialist Stuart Kriendler is leading the way when it comes to preserving the island's environment.

The 29-year-old promises to help "put Bermuda on the map" as one of the first Bermudians to become a qualified installer of renewable energy systems.

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