There are more than 400 restaurants in Bermuda - excluding hotel kitchens -
that all use cooking oils which are either taken to the incinerator or,
unfortunately, poured down the drain.

This expired cooking oil, which would have been thrown away, 92% can be reconstituted into Biodiesel and the remaining 8% become glycerin that can be used for soap or be burned for

Paul Farrington and Stavros Walsh are the two men behind this wonderful
concept. They are currently trying to find a home in the East End of
Bermuda and finalizing funding.  Greenrock has agreed to work with them in
providing communications and creative assistance to the company, Bermuda
Biodiesel.  As their company grows, so will Greenrocks efforts in coverting
their success into Greenrock related events.

An article recently appeared in the Royal Gazette on May 31, 2006...
click here and read on.

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