
Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB) kicked off its campaign to reduce the impact of cigarette butt litter within the City of Hamilton, with July 2nd being proclaimed Cigarette Litter Prevention Day by Charles Gosling, Mayor of the City of Hamilton. At Friday night Happy Hour hosted by the Fairmont Hamilton Princess, volunteers from the BePro group handed out KBB-branded pocket ashtrays to the crowd.


As part of our annual recycling effort, Bermuda Yellow Pages will be collecting the 2009/2010 Bermuda Telephone Directories in Hamilton on four days.


Aug 18th & 19th (Rain Date: Aug 20th)

Aug 25th & 26th (Rain Date: Aug 27th)


Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited (BELCO) is urging all residential and commercial customers take steps to conserve energy from now until the Cup Match holiday. Through 28 July, BELCO will be doing maintenance work on several engines, while the process of commissioning its three new gas turbine engines continues.

A Bermuda Environmental Alliance Production

Bermuda's Sargasso Sea marine algae could revolutionize the fuel of the future. Scientists are a step closer to uncovering the most productive algae in Bermuda to make Biodiesel.


Do you ever wonder what life will be like in Bermuda 10, 20, or even 50 years from now? Will we still be heavily dependent on foreign oil to fuel our vehicles and generate electricity? Will anyone know what a Bermuda orange, peach or watermelon looks or taste like?

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